What are packshots and when are they worth reaching for?

The term packshot, for many people, especially not related to the photographic and marketing industry, may be completely incomprehensible. The name itself may suggest a meaning, but it's usually hard to link it to what it actually is.

The packshot itself is a form of advertising, usually on the Internet, which presents a given product in a static or mobile way..

What characterizes packshot?

Most often, this type of photography (and sometimes even a film) presents the product on a white or light background in such a way that the image is as real as possible and emphasizes all the advantages that may be attractive to a potential customer. In this type of photo, the presented item is placed in the most favorable position. Packshots are also characterized by precise lighting that eliminates unwanted reflections. This treatment highlights all textures and textures of the presented product, which emphasizes its quality and attracts attention.

One of the types of packshots are "photos on ghost-type mannequins". They are used to advertise clothing products. They are characterized by the fact that the garment is worn over a dummy or a model that is not visible in the photo. As a result, a real image is created, which takes into account the texture, arrangement and all proportions of the presented product.

Packshots - practical application

Packshoty, jako forma fotografii produktowej, która z powodzeniem wykorzystywana jest w reklamie. Zazwyczaj tego typu zdjęcia można zauważyć na stronach sklepów internetowych, na portalach aukcyjnych, w mediach społecznościowych, w telewizji oraz na ulotkach, a także w gazetach ofertowych.

Packshots have undoubtedly revolutionized the world of advertising, szczególnie tej internetowej. Dzięki ciekawemu sposobowi przedstawienia przedmiotu, grze światłem, które uwypukla wszystkie faktury oraz kształt, osiągnęły tak wielki sukces. Packshots rzetelnie oddają prawdziwą naturę przedmiotu i jednocześnie przyciągają uwagę klientów.

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